Conferences and talks

2018/02/28 – 03/01
Conference Talk and Silence - Language in Colonial Contexts, American University of Cairo, Egypt; “Applying the postcolonial perspective to discourse studies in Central and Eastern Europe”

Invited talk “Diskurse zu Geschlecht und Sexualität in Lettland, Litauen und Polen” for the working group Women’s politics (LAG Frauen) of the Bremen Greens (Grüne Bremen)

Invited participation in the Nachwuchskolloquium for postdoctoral researchers, University of Bremen, Germany; “Questioning the (in)visible: being critical in the humanities and social sciences”

2017/11/02 – 03
Invited participation in the workshop Postcolonial Language Studies: Current Perspectives, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst, Germany; “Discourses of gender and sexuality in Central and Eastern Europe: A postcolonial perspective”

2017/10/19 – 20
Invited talk “Researching constructions of femininity, masculinity and sexuality in Latvian social media discourses”, conference Perspectives of Baltic Philology IV, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland

2017/09/20 – 23
Queering Paradigms IIX conference Fucking solidarity: queering concepts on/from a Post-Soviet perspective, University of Vienna, Austria; “Femininity and Masculinity on Polish Trans Blogs”

2017/06/19 – 22
The 12th Conference on the Baltic Studies in Europe, University of Latvia in Riga; “Researching constructions of femininity, masculinity and sexuality in Latvian social media discourses”

2017/02/09 – 11
International conference Contradiction Studies. Mapping the Field, University of Bremen; “Shaking the Foundations of the Ivory Tower: Politics and the University” (together with Tonja Sperling)

Workshop “Ethics and science – a transdisciplinary discussion”, together with Denise Müller-Dum, University of Bremen

2016/12/08 – 09
Conference Constructed | Constructive Journalism, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium; “A future to believe in – sustainability and the Sanders campaign in advocacy journalism” (together with Norman Laws)

Invited talk “Discourse analysis as a method in linguistics and social sciences – an experiment in interdisciplinarity”, BYIC Brown Bag Lunch

Workshop Fostering Interdisciplinary Communication – Discussing Approaches to Discourse, University of Bremen, Germany; “Leaving the Ivory Tower – Researcher’s Dilemmas”

Invited workshop “Gender from a postcolonial perspective: is it (all) about language”, CORACI Festival against Racism, Lüneburg

Presentation of the current postdoctoral project at the joint meeting of linguistics research teams of the University of Bremen

2015/12/03 – 04
Workshop LGBTQs, Media and Culture in Europe, University of Antwerp, Belgium; “Contesting hegemonic gender and sexuality discourses on the web: Semiotic analysis of Latvian and Polish LGBTQ and feminist blogs”

2015/08/25 – 28
12th Conference of the European Sociological Association 2015, Prague, the Czech Republic; “Gender and sexuality in Central and Eastern European social media discourses”

2015/07/26 – 31
14th International Pragmatics Conference, Antwerp, Belgium “Self-insults as a conflict strategy and the problem of interpreting irony. Examples from Latvian and Polish Internet discussions” (invited contribution to the panel on language of aggression and conflict)

2015/06/29 – 07/01
BGHS 7th Annual Seminar 2015 Structures and Events, University of Bielefeld, Germany; “The abortion controversy in Poland as an example of the interplay between structure and event”

Invited talk “Discourse analysis in gender and sexuality research: bringing together linguistics, history and sociology”, internal colloquium of the Department of History, University of Konstanz

“Gender and sexuality in Latvian, Lithuanian and Polish media discourse”, Gender and Diversity in Progress event, University of Konstanz

2014/12/04 – 05
Hybridity and the News. Hybrid Forms of Journalism in the 21st Century, Brussels, Belgium; “Dissident online journalism: Investigating Polish LGBTQ blogs”

Invited open lecture “Heterosexism in Latvian, Lithuanian and Polish media discourse” within the event Gesellschaft Macht Geschlecht (Action week against sexism and homophobia), Konstanz, Germany

2014/07/19 – 24
23rd World Congress of Political Science, Montreal, Canada (Panel on the Theory and Practice of Human Rights Throughout Regions) “LGBT Discourses on Discrimination and Human Rights in Lithuania, Latvia and Poland: A Comparative Analysis”

Jour Fixe talk “Attitudes to confessional and sexual minorities in the changing Latvian, Lithuanian and Polish media discourse”, Zukunftskolleg, University of Konstanz, Germany

2014/04/25 – 26
International Conference Why discourse matters? Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; “Contesting hegemonic gender and sexuality discourses on the web: comparative positive discourse analysis of English, Latvian and Polish websites”

2013/11/15 – 16
1st Bydgoszcz Symposium Discursive Constructions of Europe University of Economy, Bydgoszcz, Poland; “Attitudes to sexual minorities on the Latvian and Polish Internet after 2004 in relation to positions towards the EU – a discourse-analytical approach”

2013/04/11 – 13
Herder-Alumni-Tagung 2013, Herder Institute, Marburg, Germany “Twenty years of the Latvian nation-(re)building project – an attempt at comparative discourse analysis”

2012/08/21 – 24
Sociolinguistic Symposium 19, Freie Universität zu Berlin, Germany “Ja es būtu smuks, es gribētu būt meitene! (‘If I were pretty, I would want to be a girl!’) Debating transsexualism in the Latvian Parliament”

2012/05/25 – 27
Young Linguists’ Meeting in Poznań, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland; “The language of conflict in Latvian parliamentary debates”

2011/05/05 – 06
Conference Reported speech – theoretical and pedagogical aspects, University of Bergamo, Italy; “Reported speech and evidentiality. Evidence of Latvian parliamentary debates”

2011/03/25 – 26
Via Scientiarum - First International Conference of Young Linguists, Ventspils University College, Latvia “Viedokļu izteikšana un aizstāvēšana Latvijas parlamentā”

2010/09/02 – 05
Workshop Evidentials. Towards a unified account of evidential markers of the languages of Europe at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Vilnius University; “Around hearsay” (co-author)

2010/05/20 – 21
International Conference Perspectives of Baltic Philology II Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland “Questions in Polish and Latvian parliamentary debates”

2010/04/23 – 25
Young Linguists’ Meeting in Poznań, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland; “Irony in Latvian parliamentary debates”

2009/12/02 – 03
Workshop Non-grammatical markers of evidentiality in the Baltic languages, Vilnius University, Lithuania; “Latvian saka, runā, stāsta (ka) ‘they say (that)’ as hearsay markers” (co-author)

2009/06/19 – 20
Conference The Baltic Languages and the Nordic Countries University of Oslo, Norway “Evidentiality markers in modern Latvian”

2009/06/11 – 14
8th International Conference on the Baltic Studies in Europe Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania “On the Latvian word it kā”

Workshop on evidentiality research – initial meeting of the evidentiality network organized by prof. Björn Wiemer, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany

2008/11/27 – 28
13th International Scientific Conference The Word. Aspects of Investigation, University of Liepāja, Latvia “Atstāstījuma izteiksmes formu lietojums preses rakstos”