Monday, November 5, 2018

Gender Studies Conference Trans in Transit in Turku

November 22 - 24
University of Turku and Åbo Akademi, Turku, Finland

Presentation "Feminist and trans activist sisterhood: a good practice example from Poznań, Poland"

The relationship between feminist and trans activism is more complicated than one might expect. Modern feminist theory considers gender to be a socially constructed and discursively maintained rather than biological category, which seems to be in agreement with the conviction that gender is about how one feels and identifies rather than what one’s body is like. Both women and trans individuals experience gender-based discrimination and oppression. However, some feminists have claimed that trans activism is detrimental to their cause, which has earned them the label TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminists). As early as in 1979, Janice Raymond condemned trans women for reinforcing traditional gender roles and contributing to the essentialization of gender identity. More recently, Sheila Jeffreys has argued for seeing transsexuality as harmful both to feminism and the lesbian and gay community (2014). Both feminist and trans activists have provided brilliant arguments against such views, with Julia Serano’s (2007) book among my personal favourites. 

Academic debates are one thing, but activist practice is another. In this talk, I would like to present an example of sisterhood solidarity between feminism and female trans activism in the context of post-socialist Poland. A small but vibrant community of trans women in the city of Poznań is currently engaging in many projects that reach beyond trans activism, e.g. aiming at combating violence against women or empowering women for political participation. While actively engaging with and supporting the feminist movement, which is struggling under the current anti-feminist backlash common to Central and Eastern Europe, they are silently contributing to the visibility and social acceptability of transsexuality in their environment.

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