Sunday, September 1, 2013

A new beginning

My 2-year postdoctoral fellowship at the Zukunftskolleg of Konstanz University in Germany officially starts today. I hope it will prove a good opportunity to revive this blog and fill it with content connected to my scientific work. The title of my project at the Zukunftskolleg is: "Attitudes to confessional and religious minorities in the changing Latvian, Lithuanian and Polish discourse". You can find the description of this project here, and my updated profile at here.
For a good start, I'm posting some references on discourse analysis, language in social context and the media below. This is the point of departure for the theoretical/methodological foundations of the project. In the next weeks I'm going to explore the university library in Konstanz in order to see what publications on these issues it offers.

Discourse analysis - methodology
Fairclough, N. 1995. Critical discourse analysis. London: Longman
Fairclough, N. 2003. Analysing discourse – textual analysis for social research. New York: Routledge
Horn, L.R., G. Ward (eds.) 2004. The Handbook of Pragmatics. Oxford: Blackwell
Schiffrin, D. 1994. Approaches to discourse. Oxford: Blackwell textbooks in linguistics
Schiffrin, D., D. Tannen, H.E. Hamilton (eds.) 2003. The Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Oxford: Blackwell
Stubbs, M. 1996. Text and Corpus Analysis. Oxford: Blackwell
Van Dijk, T.A. 1983. "Discourse analysis: Its development and application to the structure of news". In: Journal of Communication 33: 2: 20.-43.
Van Dijk, T.A. 1993. "Principles of critical discourse analysis". In: Discourse & Society 4 (2): 249.-283.
Van Dijk, T.A. 1997. "What is political discourse analysis?" In: Blommaert, J., C. Bulcaen (eds.) Political linguistics. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 11-52
Van Dijk, T.A. 2006. "Discourse, context and cognition". In: Discourse Studies 8 (1): 159.-177.
Wodak, R. 2002. "Aspects of critical discourse analysis". In: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik 36: 5.-31.
Widdowson, H.G. 2004. Text, context, pretext. Critical Issues in Discourse Analysis. Oxford: Blackwell

Language in social context
Agha, A. 2007. Language and social relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Drew, P., J. Heritage (eds.) 1992. Talk at Work. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Fairclough, N. 1989. Language and power. London: Longman
Fairclough, N. 1992. Discourse and social change. Oxford, Cambridge: Blackwell
Fairclough, N. 2000. New Labour, New Language? London: Routledge
Fairclough, N. 2006. Language and globalization. London, New York: Routledge
Hodges, A., C. Nilep (eds.) 2007. Discourse, War and Terrorism. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins
Holtgraves, T.M. 2002. Language as Social Action: Social Psychology and Language Use. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Horváth, J. 2009. "Critical Discourse Analysis of Obama’s Political Discourse". In: Language, Literature and Culture in a Changing Transatlantic World. International Conference Proceedings. University of Prešov. 45.-56.
Mayr, A. 2008. Language and power. An introduction to institutional discourse. London, New York: Continuum
Singh, A., J. Stilwell-Peccei (eds.) 2004. Language, society and power. An introduction. London, New York: Routledge
van Dijk, T.A. 2009. Society and discourse. How social contexts influence text and talk. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

The media and the public
Chomsky, N. 1997. Media control: the spectacular achievements of propaganda. New York: Seven Stories Press
Coleman, S., K. Ross. 2010. The media and the public. “Them” and “Us” in Media Discourse. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell
Machin, D., T. van Leeuwen. 2007. Global media discourse. A critical introduction. London, New York: Routledge
Prior, M. 2007. Post-Broadcast Democracy. How media choice increases inequality in political involvement and polarizes elections. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
O’Keeffe, A. 2006. Investigating media discourse. London, New York: Routledge
van Ginneken, J. 2003. Collective behaviour and public opinion. Rapid shifts in opinion and communication. Mahwah (NJ), London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

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